The compositions on this website are free for you to
download and use. Permission is granted
to you by the children of Theodore Beck who own the copyrights to the items on
this website. Many of the items
originally were sold by publishing companies but now the copyrights have been
turned back to the family.
We hope you
enjoy these compositions and thank you very much for your interest in
them. We look forward to hearing your comments on the Contact page.
In addition to the compositions that you may download for free from this website, you may connect with several publishing companies to purchase additional compositions by Theodore Beck where the copyrights are still owned by the following publishing companies:
Concordia Publishing House (CPH)
CPH 97-6469 Basic Hymn Accompaniments III
CPH 98-2801 O God, Our Lord, Your Holy Word
CPH 97-5811 Prepare the Way-Special Settings for Advent I
CPH 98-2687 Rejoice, O Pilgrim Throng
Lutheran Service Book #415 Jesus on the Mountain Peak (Tune owned by the family but can purchase hymnals and associated materials through CPH)
Some of the compositions listed above have been archived and would need to be requested, but Theodore Beck has compositions listed on the CPH website that are parts of collections that can be found easily by entering the name of Theodore Beck in the search window.
MorningStar Music (MSM)
MSM 40-885 A Wedding Petition
MSM 40-880 A Wedding Prayer
MSM 50-8480 Children of the Heavenly Father
See This Wonder in the Making
MSM 60-4000 I Know That My Redeemer Lives
MSM 60-9006 Jesus, Priceless Treasure (Full Score)
MSM 60-9006A Jesus, Priceless Treasure (Choral Score)
MSM 60-9006B Jesus, Priceless Treasure (Trumpet Parts)
MSM 40-881 O God of Love
MSM 60-7000 Oh, that I Had a Thousand Voices (Choral Score)
MSM 60-7000A Oh, that I Had a Thousand Voices (Instrumental Parts)
MSM 40-890 Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace
MSM 60-4003 With High Delight (Full Score)
MSM 60-4003A With High Delight (Choir Score)
MSM 60-4003B With High Delight (Instrumental Parts)
Augsburg Fortress (AF)
Item # 9780800659349 Augsburg Organ Library: Epiphany (A collection with 25 contributors)
AF 11-6156 14 Organ Chorale Preludes
If you have trouble locating any of these compositions, please email me on the Contact page and let me know. Thank you very much for your interest!
Concordia Publishing House (CPH)
CPH 97-6469 Basic Hymn Accompaniments III
CPH 98-2801 O God, Our Lord, Your Holy Word
CPH 97-5811 Prepare the Way-Special Settings for Advent I
CPH 98-2687 Rejoice, O Pilgrim Throng
Lutheran Service Book #415 Jesus on the Mountain Peak (Tune owned by the family but can purchase hymnals and associated materials through CPH)
Some of the compositions listed above have been archived and would need to be requested, but Theodore Beck has compositions listed on the CPH website that are parts of collections that can be found easily by entering the name of Theodore Beck in the search window.
MorningStar Music (MSM)
MSM 40-885 A Wedding Petition
MSM 40-880 A Wedding Prayer
MSM 50-8480 Children of the Heavenly Father
See This Wonder in the Making
MSM 60-4000 I Know That My Redeemer Lives
MSM 60-9006 Jesus, Priceless Treasure (Full Score)
MSM 60-9006A Jesus, Priceless Treasure (Choral Score)
MSM 60-9006B Jesus, Priceless Treasure (Trumpet Parts)
MSM 40-881 O God of Love
MSM 60-7000 Oh, that I Had a Thousand Voices (Choral Score)
MSM 60-7000A Oh, that I Had a Thousand Voices (Instrumental Parts)
MSM 40-890 Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace
MSM 60-4003 With High Delight (Full Score)
MSM 60-4003A With High Delight (Choir Score)
MSM 60-4003B With High Delight (Instrumental Parts)
Augsburg Fortress (AF)
Item # 9780800659349 Augsburg Organ Library: Epiphany (A collection with 25 contributors)
AF 11-6156 14 Organ Chorale Preludes
If you have trouble locating any of these compositions, please email me on the Contact page and let me know. Thank you very much for your interest!